99% Mobile Phone Compatible
Text Messaging is a built-in feature of most mobile phones and most wireless carriers today include unlimited text plans. Even old flip phones can send a text message.
Easy to Use
Quite simply, there is little to no learning curve. There are more than 328 Million SMS users in the United States. If you can send a Text, you can save a life.
APP-Free Service System
No need to be concerned with building and maintaining a Mobile App or making sure it is compatible with Apple and Google. Text Messaging is practically inherent to mobile phones and can't be turned off like Push Notifications.
No Wi-Fi and Data
Connection Required
Because it’s Text it works on every wireless phone service provider and doesn't require an internet connection to work fully or properly. Just pull out your phone and send a text. It's quicker and probably what you'll think to do first.
Lower Marketing Cost
We use Text Messaging as a way to communicate and we all know how to do it, some more than others. Because text is so familiar you will not have to spend money trying to educate people on the use of a Mobile Application.
100% Reliable
Combine automation with Artificial Intelligence and you get white glove service that guarantees 100% reliability and security of information.
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